Que peuvent faire les commerces pour améliorer la fiabilité des commandes?

Improving order reliability can enhance the consumer experience, and mitigate delivery person cancellations, which may lead to an increase in order volume.

To reduce cancellations and unfulfilled orders, here are some measures you can implement:

Ensure up-to-date menu hours


  • Does your store have a buffer period in your menu hours before closing time?
  • If your store is closed for the holidays, are the menu hours updated in Uber Eats Manager and / or your POS provider?

Ensure a smooth and quick pick-up experience


  • Does your store have a dedicated delivery pickup station, instructions and label orders for an easy handoff to the delivery person?
  • Are delivery persons waiting a long time in a drive-thru line during certain times of the day?
  • Is the order number being verified? Additionally, has your store ensured the correct order is handed off?
  • Does your store have specific instructions for pick-ups that should be reflected to consumers in the app?

Ensure an accurate and average prep time


  • Is your Ready Time indicated in Uber Eats Order accurate?
  • During busy times, should your store pause orders or extend the ready time to avoid unfulfilled orders?
  • NOTE: Not applicable to stores where average prep time is proposed by Uber based on factors such as store’s historical time to prep orders

Ensure your menu is up-to-date


  • Are seasonal items added/removed from the menu?
  • How frequently is inventory managed, and the menu updated?
  • Are menu items properly labeled?

Promptly accept orders

NOTE: POS-integrated stores should work with their provider on these proposed measures noted above.