How does Uber Freight pay?
Uber Freight pays carriers or their contracted factoring company with ACH (Automated Clearing House) direct deposit.
How do I set up my payment information?
Carriers can add payment information when signing up for Uber Freight.
How do I change my payment information?
Carriers can submit bank documents to Factoring companies can submit Assignments/Releases (NOAs/LORs) to Changes will be updated by Uber Freight within 2-3 business days.
When does Uber Freight process payments?
Uber Freight processes payments Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. All required documents must be provided, reviewed, and accepted to receive on-time payment.
Why do I need to submit an acceptable proof of delivery (POD)?
Uber Freight needs to review an acceptable proof of delivery in order to release payment. Once your documents are submitted and Uber Freight receives them, our document team will review them and either approve or deny each document. If a document is rejected (too blurry, missing information, etc.), we’ll notify you or the primary contact email on the account. You may be asked to send in a new picture or provide additional information.
Once all required documents are approved, we’ll disburse payments in line with our payment policy and send a remittance to the primary contact email address breaking down the payment amount. The remittance will include all of the load information along with accessorials accrued during the pay period. Primary contacts can view payment information in the Earnings Hub on the app or web portal.
What payment speed options does Uber Freight offer?
Uber Freight’s standard payment speed is 30 days after a valid POD has been uploaded and approved. Carriers can unlock faster payments by:
How do I unlock faster payment speeds?
To be eligible for faster payments (2-day pay for 2.5% fee, free 2-day pay for Top Carriers, and same-day pay via the Uber Freight Card), your carrier’s payment method must be set up with an ACH direct deposit bank account, not a factoring company.
How do I get same-day payouts with the Uber Freight Carrier Card?
Cardholders will receive same-day payouts (business days only) during the calendar month when their first Uber Freight Carrier Card transaction occurs and during the following calendar month. To maintain same-day payment eligibility for the next calendar month, carriers must spend at least $3,500 per truck each calendar month.
What time does my paperwork need to be submitted by to receive same-day payouts?
Paperwork must be submitted and approved before 11am CST.
How do I view the payment status of a load?
Web Portal:
What line items will be shown for my payment status in the app?
You’ll see line items for linehaul, lumper, detention, layover, and advances. All other line items will be included in the linehaul.
How do I book a load through an automated channel?
By booking through the Uber Freight app, web portal, API, or EDI.
If I no longer qualify as a Top Carrier at the next quarterly snapshot, what will my payment speed change to?
For carriers that lose Top Carrier status, the payment speed will default back to the previously selected payout speed: either the standard 30-day payment speed, or payment within 2 business days of valid POD upload and approval for a fee of 2.5% of the payment amount. Carriers can select their preferred payment speed during onboarding and change their preferred payment speed at any time in the Carrier tab in the app or web portal.
Can I opt out of the 2-day payment speed if I am a Top Carrier?
Email or call 844-822-8237 to request to opt out of the 2-business day payment speed for Top Carriers.
For information on Top Carrier eligibility, visit the Carrier Performance Program page.
What are 2-day payments for a fee?
Carriers can elect to receive payments within 2 business days after a valid POD has been uploaded and approved in exchange for a fee of 2.5% of the payment amount. Please see the terms and conditions for these faster payments here.
If I change my payment speed, which loads will be paid out at the new payment speed?
Each load will be paid out at the payment speed selected in a carrier’s profile at the time of the load was booked. Carriers cannot change their payment speed selection for loads that have already been booked.
How do I get faster payments for a fee?
Carriers can elect to receive faster payments for a 2.5% fee either through the Uber Freight app or web portal or by emailing Those who use a factoring company must reach out via email to provide a NOA.
Web Portal:
How will the fee for faster payments be calculated?
The fee will be calculated as 2.5% of the total invoice amount.
Will accessorials be subject to the 2.5% fee for faster payments?
Yes, accessorials will be subject to the 2.5% fee.
Who do I contact if I have a payment issue or want to learn more about payment options?
Email or call 844-822-8237.
Who do I contact about 2-day payments for a fee?