Lássunk hozzá
Vezetés és kiszállítás
Uber Eats
Kereskedők és éttermek
Kerékpár és roller
Uber for Business
Uber Freight
Vezetés és kiszállítás
Uber Eats
Kereskedők és éttermek
Kerékpár és roller
Uber for Business
Uber Freight
Uber for Business
Fiókbeállítások és problémák
Updating business account settings
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I can’t link to my company’s Uber for Business account
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Trip flagging FAQ
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Connecting your expense management system
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Enabling or disabling receipt forwarding
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Deactivating an Uber for Business account
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Switching the business dashboard language
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Recover your business account (admin departure)
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Updating account billing information
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Making payments to your account
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I had an issue adding my credit card to my Uber for Business account
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