I have feedback for a rider

Reméljük, hogy az utasok tiszteletteljesek és udvariasak veled és a többi utassal szemben, és ezt el is várjuk tőlük.

Ha úgy érzed, hogy az utazás alatt valamelyik utas udvariatlan volt vagy nem tartotta be az elfogadható viselkedési normákat, tudasd velünk.

Az általad itt megadott információ segít nekünk abban, hogy a problémát megvitathassuk az utassal.

We understand that you may have some negative experiences with riders, and our rating system is in place to help keep Uber comfortable and safe for everyone.

When rating your trips, please enter a rating that reflects your trip experience with the rider. Please note, we do not change rider ratings once they have been entered into the app.

We also understand that you may have some trip experiences with riders where you may want to provide additional feedback. See the following links for more information about reporting issues with verbal altercations, cancellation fees, and cleaning fees.

If your rider made discriminatory remarks towards you, please use the link below to report it as a safety issue. We take reports of discrimination very seriously.

If you'd like to report that your rider was rude, or if you have positive feedback about your rider, please select from the below options to help us understand what happened on the trip. We'll review your concern and get back to you.