障害のある乗客は、指定された乗車場所に到着してから数分以内(現在では UberX または XL の場合は 2 分、Black または Black SUV の場合は 5 分)に乗車する能力に障害が影響する場合、待機料金の返金または免除を請求できます。
You may request a refund if you have a disability (or traveled with a companion with a disability, or requested a ride on behalf a rider with a disability) and, in the last 30 days, you were charged wait time fees when you were at the pickup location when the driver arrived and needed more than the allotted time to board the vehicle due to disability.
If you, or an individual that frequently accompanies you on trips, is (i) disabled within the meaning of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and (ii) the disability impacts your or your companion’s ability to board a vehicle within the allotted time after meeting the vehicle at your designated pickup location, you can request a waiver of wait time fees for your account below by making the following certification. Please allow at least 7 days for the waiver to take effect. If you are charged a wait time fee after you certify, please request a refund at the above link.
By entering my initials below and selecting Submit below, I voluntarily certify and acknowledge that:
私または頻繁に同乗する人が(i)障害を持つアメリカ人法(Americans with Disabilities Act)に定める障害者であり、(ii)私または同乗者の障害は、指定された乗車場所でドライバーと会ってから指定の時間内に乗車する能力に影響します。この請求が Uber による確認、監査の対象となることを理解しています。さらに、Uber がアカウントの待機料金を免除する以外の目的で私の証明を使用しないことを理解しています。また、Uber がこの情報または私の証明に関連して追加の義務を負わないことを理解しています。
Riders who self-certified for a wait time fee waiver on or before May 12, 2022, may be eligible for a distribution under a recent settlement. Please visit the website linked below for more information.