개인정보 보호정책 정보

When you use Uber, you trust us with your personal data. We’re committed to keeping that trust, and that starts with helping you understand our privacy practices.

Who does this notice apply to?

This notice is relevant to:

  • Users of Uber’s services globally. This includes:
    • Riders
    • Drivers
    • Anyone using Uber Eats or Uber-affliliated services
  • Anyone who gets in touch with Uber or provides information to Uber, except as noted in the Privacy Notice

What’s in the Privacy Notice?

The Uber Privacy Notice contains details on:

  • Information collection: the types of data Uber collects when you use our services
  • Use of information: how Uber uses the collected information
  • Sharing of information: the conditions under which Uber shares the data with third parties
  • Your choices: your rights and choices regarding the information you provide to Uber

For a full understanding of Uber’s practices, please review the detailed Privacy Notice.