승객 때문에 불안감을 느꼈습니다.

Reporting inappropriate rider behavior

If a rider’s words or actions affected your personal safety or ability to complete this trip, please let us know here. We will then review your report and follow up with you.

As a driver, you should never be made to feel that starting or completing a trip with a rider could put you in danger. We’re committed to the safety of everyone using the Uber platform.

What to do in this situation in the future:

  • If you have this concern again when you meet a rider at the pickup location, please explain to the rider that you are not comfortable starting the trip.
  • If you have this concern during a trip, end the trip immediately and politely explain to the rider why you made this decision.

Note: To report about rider behavior that you felt was rude or unpleasant but did not affect anyone’s safety, please go to My rider was rude for assistance.

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