Uber Cash 관련 자주 묻는 질문

What is Uber Cash?

Uber Cash is a payment option that can be used to pay for rides and Eats orders.

How do I get Uber Cash?

Uber Cash can be purchased directly in the Uber app.

An Uber Cash balance can also come from other sources such as: * The balance of any gift cards * Credits given by Uber Support * Uber promotional credits * Amex Premium Benefits

How do I use Uber Cash?

  1. Create an order in the Uber Eats app.
  2. Select “View cart” or “Checkout”.
  3. Above the “Place Order” button, tap your current payment method.
  4. Select “Uber Cash” on the “Payment Options” screen.
  5. Return to the order screen and check that Uber Cash is the selected payment method.
  6. Review your order and tap “Place Order”.

Do orders cost more when paying with Uber Cash?

No, there’s no difference in price between orders paid for with Uber Cash compared to any other payment method.

Does Uber Cash apply to family profiles?

It does not.

Are Uber Cash purchases refundable?

Uber Cash purchases can be refunded if your remaining balance is at least $5. See the help center article for more details:

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