زما حساب د بل چا څخه لګښت لري

If you suspect that someone else used your Uber account or there is suspicious account activity, your account may be compromised.

Suspicious activity includes:

  • Trips or requests on your account which you didn’t make
  • Phone calls or text messages from drivers about pickup when you did not request a trip
  • Receipts for trips on your account that you don’t recognize
  • Account information that was updated without your knowledge

If you are able to sign in to your account, please attempt to reset your password.

که تاسو خپل حساب ته د لاسرسي په برخه کې ستونزې لرئ او یو ناپیژندل شوی لګښت وګورئ، مهرباني وکړئ لاندې موږ سره نور جزیات شریک کړئ


Date format is yyyy/MM/dd. Press the down arrow or enter key to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the escape button to close the calendar.

یو اتوماتیک پیغام به دلته واستول شي ترڅو تایید شي چې دا واقعاً تاسو یاست. مهرباني وکړئ دا خلاص کړئ او زموږ د ټیم غړي سره وصل کېدو لپاره "د ایمېل ادرس تایید کړئ" وټاکئ. په فورمه کې لیکل