Actualizarea programului de lucru, a adresei și a numărului de telefon

Update Account Information

Verify your account information in Uber Eats Orders through your tablet. Follow the steps below to change your store phone number, address, and pickup instructions.

  1. In your Uber Eats Orders select the menu icon in the top left corner. The icon is a square with three horizontal white lines.
  3. Edit the fields, then select Update.

Update Pickup Instructions

  1. Open the Uber Eats tablet and select Uber Eats Orders.
  2. Select the menu icon in the top left corner (three horizontal lines).
  3. Select SETTINGS.
  5. Input pickup instructions in the Pickup Instructions field.

Turn Off Delivery Indefinitely

If you will not be operating for an extended period of time, the best option for you is to log out of your tablet to turn your store offline. To do this, click the icon of three horizontal lines, then go to Settings > Log out.

When you decide to turn delivery on again, you simply need to log back into the tablet.

Update Service Hours

  1. Log into Uber Eats Manager using your login, password and PIN.
  2. On the left side of your screen, select the fork and knife icon (Menu).
  3. Tap on the drop-down menu under OVERVIEW to choose the desired menu.
  4. Select EDIT next to Menu Hours and adjust your menu hours accordingly.

If you will be continuing to operate your business, but you need to extend or shorten your hours, you can use Holiday Hours to make those adjustments.

To open Restaurant Manager, click here.

Update Holiday Hours

  1. Log into your Uber Eats Manager using your login, password, and PIN.
  2. On the left side of your screen, select the fork and knife icon (menu).
  3. Click the HOLIDAY HOURS button in the top right of your screen.
  4. Click the ADD MORE button to set new hours for your specific days.
  5. Make sure to click Save.

If you will be continuing to operate your business, but will be closed on specific days, you can use Holiday Hours to make those adjustments.

Note: Updated holiday hours take priority over normal menu hours, including stores that are POS Integrated.

Update Service Hours - POS Integrates Stores

If your store is POS integrated, all store hour information is stored directly in your POS system which we’re unable to access.

For help changing your store hours, please reach out to your store’s POS customer service contact.

Helpful links

To learn how to change hours of operation, click here.

If you need clarification on our verification process, click here.