1099 delivery error

If you believe you incorrectly received 1099 tax document(s) from Uber, please provide the following and our team will get back to you.

  • A photo of the 1099 you received
  • An FTC Identity Theft report, which you can fill out online, or a police report filed at your local police station
  • Any additional optional documents that you’d like to provide to help us better understand the situation (police report, court findings, other applicable documentation)

As a potential victim of identity theft, we recommend you take the following steps:

Tukaj boste prejeli samodejno sporočilo, da potrdimo, da ste to res vi. Odprite ga in izberite »Potrdi e-poštni naslov«, da boste stopili v stik s članom naše ekipe. Pisanje iz