لاگ ان کریں
شروع کریں
ڈرائیو اور ڈیلیور کریں
Uber Eats
مرچنٹس اور ریسٹورنٹس
بائیکس اور اسکوٹرز
Uber for Business
ڈرائیو اور ڈیلیور کریں
Uber Eats
مرچنٹس اور ریسٹورنٹس
بائیکس اور اسکوٹرز
Uber for Business
Uber for Business
سواریوں کی درخواست اور شیڈولنگ
Arranging Uber Health and Central rides
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Viewing details of an Uber Health or Central ride
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Accessing Uber Health or Central
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Ride statuses and what they mean
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Requesting Uber Health rides for minors
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Tipping on guest rides
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Assist and WAV FAQ
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Types of rides
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Automated calling FAQ
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Text messages riders receive
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How does my customer or guest know that a ride has been arranged for them?
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What to share with a guest rider before booking a trip
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Can I request a specific driver?
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Batch rides FAQ
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