Transgender account help

While using the Uber app, we want to ensure that you can express your authentic self. We have a dedicated set of agents ready to help you update your account.

If you want to update your profile photo, please fill out the form.

A good profile photo should have the following elements:

  • No hats or sunglasses (eyeglasses and religious garments are allowed)
  • Full face and top of shoulders
  • Good lighting
  • Not blurry
  • Only one person in the picture
  • Face is centered in the frame

Your requested name will be the only name that is visible to other users on the app. The name associated with your legal documents will only be visible to you for tax documentation purposes.

If you want to update the name that’s displayed on the app, please fill out the form.

If you have any other account issues, please fill out the form.