Uber Direct:送货概述

UBER DIRECT Delivery drivers can now opt in for item delivery opportunities from participating organizations in select cities using the Uber app.* This new way to earn is optional, and only delivery drivers who choose to opt in to the pilot and choose to accept the terms and conditions, will receive item delivery opportunities. Please note: Opting into the Uber Direct is fully optional and will not affect your ability to receive other requests within the Uber app. If you no longer wish to deliver items for any reason, you can opt out of receiving item delivery requests at any time by contacting our support team.
DELIVERING ITEMS Item deliveries work differently than regular deliveries with Uber Eats: - Items may be as large as a large suitcase. - Items may be as heavy as 50 pounds per package. - Items may include a variety of items such as documents, equipment, small auto parts, or household items. - Returns may be requested by the sender.
DELIVERY EXPERIENCE - If you receive a delivery request, the offer card will say 'Delivery - Package' at the top of the card. - Once the delivery is accepted you will receive relevant package information on the order information screen, beneath any notes from the requesting organization. - You may cancel a delivery request for any reason, including an item that you may not be able to lift or that may not fit in your vehicle. - If you would like additional details on the item(s), please contact the requesting organization. - If you are unable to locate the customer at dropoff or otherwise complete the delivery instructions, you may be prompted to return the item to the sender and will earn for your time.
第 1 步 - 取货。 - 组织/机构可能会提供额外的取货信息 - 您可以在应用中的“企业备注”下查看来自组织/机构的备注。其中可能包括停车地点,或取货/送货地点的具体入口等详细信息。 货品详细信息 - 相关货品信息可在“订单信息”页面上找到。在某些情况下,一个订单可能包含多件货品。 第 2 步 - 搬运货品。 - 组织/机构可能会列出搬运指南 - 组织/机构可能会列出某些有助于保障货品安全的派送偏好。 第 3 步 - 交货。 - 顾客通常会提供具体的派送说明 类似于 Uber Eats 优食平台的常规派送,顾客会说明与您见面的地点。有些顾客会要求送货上门,有些顾客则希望在室外领取。 您可以轻触底部横幅上的箭头,以查看发件人可能提供的派送信息。如果您无法找到收件人,或无法按照交货说明完成派送,可以致电发件人,以获取帮助。 如果 8 分钟后仍然无法联系到发件人,或者无法按照交货说明完成派送,您可以轻触红色三角图标,进入报告问题页面。应用可能会提示您将货品归还给发件人。归还货品后,系统在计算行程费用总额时会在最初的派送费基础上,添加退货行程的费用。
