
You can receive your earnings one of two ways:

  1. Set up weekly automatic direct deposits to your bank account.

Direct Deposit Timeline: * Monday: Old earnings cycle ends and new one begins * Wednesday: Earnings are processed in the evening * Thursday: Earnings are deposited directly into your bank account

Note: Some banks take additional time to process deposits. As a result, you may not see your deposit until Friday evening.

  1. Instant cashouts to debit card or bank account
  • Earnings are automatically calculated on a weekly cycle, which normally begin at 4am on Monday and end at 3:59am the following Monday. This means that any trip taken on Monday after 4am will appear in the following week’s earnings statement.
透過即時提款功能,可用餘額會存入你的扣帳卡或符合資格的銀行帳戶。多數情況下,皆可即時轉賬。轉賬需時 3 個工作日,實際入賬時間視乎你的銀行而定。 請參閱以下連結,了解哪些金融機構的銀行賬戶符合即時提款資格:
如要查看收入結算單,請前往 wallet.uber.com。這些結算單會顯示車資,以及獲發還的通行費。