
如果傷健乘客無法在到達指定上車地點後的幾分鐘內上車,他們可申請退款或豁免等候時間費用;目前 UberX 或 UberXL 行程的等候時間為 2 分鐘,Uber Black 或 Uber Black SUV 行程 則為 5 分鐘。

Wait Time Fee Refunds for Riders with Disabilities

如果你是傷健人士 (或有傷健人士同行,或代傷健人士預約行程),並且在過去 30 日內當司機夥伴抵達時你已在上車地點,但因行動不便而需要額外時間上車導致等候時間費用,你可要求退款

Future Wait Time Fee Waivers for Riders with Disabilities

如果你或經常陪同出行的人士 (i) 屬於《美國身心障礙法案》(Americans with Disabilities Act) 所指的傷健人士,以及 (ii) 你或同伴在預定的上車地點與車輛會合後,會因行動不便而影響在指定時間內上車的能力,你可在下方提出以下證明,申請豁免帳戶的等候時間費用。豁免至少需時 7 日方可生效。如果你在提出保證後被收取等候時間費用,請透過以上連結申請退款。

Certification of Disability

By entering my initials below and selecting “Submit” below, I voluntarily certify and acknowledge that:

I am, or an individual that frequently accompanies me on trips is, (i) disabled within the meaning of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and (ii) the disability impacts my or my companion’s ability to board a vehicle within the allotted time after meeting the vehicle at my designated pickup location. I understand that this request is subject to verification and/or audit by Uber. I further understand that Uber will use my certification for no other purpose than to waive wait time fees for my account. I also understand that Uber will not assume any additional duties or obligations in connection with this information or my certification.

Wait Time Fee Settlement Notice

凡於 2022 年 5 月 12 日或之前已自我證明可豁免等候時間費用的乘客,均有可能按近期的協定符合領取退款的資格。詳情請瀏覽以下已連結的網站。