
若您的所在城市提供 Uber Eats 服務,您可以選擇提供外送服務;無論是外送或搭乘,都可以透過同一個 App 接收行程預約。若您所在地區的搭乘行程預約需求較低,此選項可協助您賺取更多收入。

點選下方連結即可開始接收外送預約。或前往 帳戶 > 工作中心 並在那裡完成線上開通流程。

This option will be available immediately in your app. Visit the Help Center to learn more about delivery requests.

Not receiving delivery requests?

If you opted-in for delivery requests but don’t receive any within a few hours, follow these steps in the Driver app:

  1. Tap the menu icon at bottom left of the app home screen to open your Preferences.
  2. Under Trip Filters, make sure Deliveries are active.