
What is a Sponsored Listing?

Uber Eats Sponsored Listings are a type of advertising that allows restaurant partners to improve their visibility and move to the top of Uber Eats listings, ensuring that your restaurant is always top-of-mind for customers as they are making a decision about orders.

  • Reach more customers: Increase your restaurant’s visibility where even more customers can find and order from you. Sponsored Listings promote your restaurant when people are already interested in ordering. Access more places where your restaurant shows up in the app and differentiate from your competitors.
  • Track your performance: Optimize your campaign by seeing how many customers placed an order through your Sponsored Listing. See precise data on the total number of people who clicked on your Sponsored Listing and placed an order. Then use the insights to optimize your visibility and boost sales.
  • Manage with ease: Control your campaigns and see how Sponsored Listings are helping you reach your business goals. A self-serve digital platform makes it simple to set up and manage your campaigns. See results, and understand whether your ads are helping you reach your goals.

To get started, view a sponsored listing page through Uber Eats Manager by clicking here.

What if Sponsored Listing Isn’t Viewable in Uber Eats Manager?

If you’re having issues viewing sponsored listings, please let us know by contacting support.





  1. 透過下方連結前往 Uber Eats 管理後台中的贊助廣告。
  2. 請按照畫面上的指示及工具提示,進一步瞭解相關資訊。


  • 您可以透過下方連結編輯、刪除或複製任何預定推出的贊助廣告。
  • 此頁面也會列出所有過去、進行中和規劃好的優惠方案。


  1. 透過下方連結前往 Uber Eats 管理後台中的贊助廣告。
  2. 在側邊欄中選取「行銷」
  3. 在畫面上方選取「所有行銷活動」
  4. 選擇要編輯的活動,然後選取「動作」
  5. 在下拉式選單中選取「編輯」,系統會將您導向贊助廣告的頁面,讓您修改廣告受眾、預算和出價類型等資訊 (請注意:您只能修改進行中的贊助廣告)。


  1. 透過下方連結前往 Uber Eats 管理後台。
  2. 在側邊欄中選取「行銷」
  3. 在畫面上方選取「成效」

請注意:此頁面中顯示的資料會延遲 48 小時。因此正在進行的行銷活動資料需要經過 48 小時才會顯示在此。


  1. 透過下方連結前往 Uber Eats 管理後台中的贊助廣告。
  2. 在側邊欄中選取「行銷」
  3. 在畫面上方選取「所有行銷活動」
  4. 選擇要編輯的活動,然後選取「動作」
  5. 在下拉式選單中選取「暫停」(請注意:您只能修改進行中的贊助廣告)。


不用,系統會根據 Uber Eats 管理後台中設定的預算,每週自動投放贊助廣告。如要暫停贊助廣告,請按照以下步驟操作:

  1. 透過下方連結前往 Uber Eats 管理後台中的贊助廣告。
  2. 在側邊欄中選取「行銷」
  3. 在畫面上方選取「所有行銷活動」
  4. 選擇要編輯的活動,然後選取「動作」
  5. 在下拉式選單中選取「暫停」(請注意:您只能修改進行中的贊助廣告)。

若想進一步瞭解 Uber Eats 管理後台贊助廣告的相關資訊,請按一下此處


