

請透過平板電腦在 Uber Eats 接單前台中驗證您的帳戶資訊。若要變更商店名稱、電話號碼和領取訂單的注意事項,請按照以下步驟操作:

  1. 選擇 Uber Eats 接單平台左上角的選單圖示。
  2. 依序選取「設定」和「企業資訊」。
  3. 編輯相關欄位,然後選取「更新」。


  1. 使用您的登入資訊、密碼和 PIN 碼,登入 Uber Eats 管理後台。
  2. 選取畫面左側的刀叉圖示 (菜單)。
  3. 將游標移至每份菜單上方,直到出現鉛筆圖示。
  4. 按一下鉛筆圖示即可編輯和調整營業時間。


  1. 使用您的登入資訊和密碼登入 Uber Eats 管理後台。
  2. 在畫面右側選取「假日營業時間」。
  3. 為特定日期設定新的營業時間。

** 更新後的假日營業時間優先於正常菜單營業時間,包括已整合銷售點的餐廳。 *

更新營業時間 (已整合 POS 的商店)

若貴商店已整合 POS,所有營業時間資訊會直接儲存在您的 POS 系統,而我們無法存取這些資訊。

如需協助變更商店的營業時間,請聯絡 POS 客服人員。

Update pickup details

In Uber Eats Manager

To update your address, pin location, and pickup instructions in Uber Eats Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Uber Eats Manager using your login and password.
  2. Click the Stores tab
  3. Single locations will see the new page with store information
  4. Multi-location stores will have to click into a particular location to see the new page and make edits.

In Uber Eats Orders

To update your address, pin location, and pickup instructions in Uber Eats Orders, follow these steps:

  1. In your Uber Eats Order, click Settings then select Store Info. You will see a map with an Adjust Pin option to make changes to your address.
  2. Click Adjust Pin and drag the pin to the correct location. Then, click Save.
  3. To edit store details, click Edit under the phone number from the Store Info page. After making edits, click Save.
  4. To edit pickup instructions, click Edit next to the Pickup instructions on the Store Info page. You can choose from example responses in a dropdown or edit pickup instructions in a text field. These instructions can also be applied for customer pickup by moving the toggle. After making edits, click Save.