Uber Charter questions

Uber Charter booking questions

If you have a pending, upcoming, or completed Uber Charter booking and have questions about any of the topics in the list below, please contact the agent assigned to your booking.

Dedicated agent information can be found by opening the booking from the Uber Charter home screen. The agent’s name, phone number, and email address will be displayed with your booking information and you can contact them directly from there about:

  • Canceling your booking
  • Modifying your booking, including requesting date, itinerary, onsite contact or vehicle changes
  • Add-ons and amenities
  • Payment and cancellation terms
  • Booking pricing
  • General questions, complaints, or feedback

Uber account or Uber Charter payment issues

If you have questions about your Uber account or a payment issue related to Uber Charter, please contact Uber Support using the form at the bottom of this page. If possible, please include your Uber Charter ID (example: ID:00123456), which is found by selecting your booking from the Uber Charter home screen.

Need help with a non-Uber Charter trip?

Please review the Help with a trip section for more information.