
From Feb 22 th, 2023, a surcharge (travel business handling fee. “Surcharge”) will be charged in addition to the current Meter fee and Booking Fee for Uber Taxi trip from Tokyo 23 wards.

Please refer to the details below.

  • Service Type : Uber Taxi
  • Area: Uber Taxi trip from Tokyo 23 wards
  • Surcharge : 100 yen / trip (including tax)
  • Payment: In-App Payment

Travel business handling fees’ posting is here


  • Surcharge is applied for the trips which are requested through the Uber app from the applicable area.
  • Surcharge is charged for every Taxi trip from Tokyo 23 wards except airport flat fee trip.
  • Surcharge will not be charged If you match with a taxi company registered outside of Tokyo.
  • You can see if Surcharge is applied for your trip from “ i logo “ on the bottom right corner showed after selecting Taxi.
  • Surcharge will not be charged for a canceled trip before the onboarding, however, cancellation fee might be charged based on the cancellation policy.
  • You will charge the sum of meter fee and Surcharge for a canceled trip after onboarding.
  • “Premier Van booking fee” (for Uber Premier Van) will be displayed as “Surcharge” in the breakdown, but please note that this fee is different from the Surcharge (travel business handling fee). You can see the breakdown from the “i” mark under the vehicle type in the display upon the ride request.


What is Surcharge?

  • Surcharge is an additional fixed fee (travel business handling fee) charged to every Uber Taxi trip at Tokyo requested through Uber App.

What are the differences between Surcharge and Booking fee?

  • Booking Fee is a variable fee charged to cover the operational cost of picking up the riders whereas Surcharge is a fixed service fee (travel business handling fee) charged to every Uber Taxi trip from Tokyo 23 wards requested through Uber App.