Informes: CSV

Uber para Empresas ofrece múltiples informes que pueden ayudar a las organizaciones durante los procesos de conciliación, declaración de impuestos y cumplimiento interno. Los archivos en formato CSV son parte de la documentación de informes y se generan automáticamente el primer día de cada mes para las transacciones del mes anterior. El archivo en formato CSV puede presentarse de dos maneras diferentes:

  • CSV mensuales: El informe en formato CSV mensual contiene información detallada de cada actividad/transacción del mes determinado y se puede descargar desde la pestaña Pagos y también se encuentra en el correo electrónico junto con el resumen que se envía cada mes.
  • Reportes de actividad: El informe de actividades en la página de inicio es una vista filtrada de las actividades realizadas en la cuenta para el respectivo empleado/programa/ubicación y dentro del periodo seleccionado. Consulta esta página para obtener instrucciones detalladas sobre cómo descargar un informe de actividad.

Acceso al archivo en formato CSV

El archivo en formato CSV mensual junto con el resumen en PDF se enviarán por correo electrónico a todos los administradores y destinatarios del resumen en la cuenta de negocios el primer día de cada mes.

El enlace para descargar el archivo en formato CSV estará activo durante 30 días. Después de este plazo, es necesario seguir las instrucciones a continuación para descargarlo:

  1. Inicia sesión en
  2. .
  3. Selecciona Pago a la izquierda.
  4. Debajo de Resúmenes, busca el mes que corresponda.
  5. Haz clic en el botón Descargar y, luego, selecciona la flecha de descarga junto a la sección CSV de transacciones para descargar el archivo detallado de las transacciones de ese mes.

El informe de actividad está disponible cuando se extrae manualmente y solo se envía por correo electrónico al usuario que lo filtra desde la página de inicio del panel de negocios. Consulta esta guía para obtener instrucciones detalladas sobre cómo descargar el informe de actividad.


Los reportes de actividad y los archivos CSV mensuales tendrían los mismos campos o las columnas. A continuación, se enumeran para brindar una mayor claridad:

  • Id. del viaje o pedido: Es un identificador único asociado con el viaje, pedido o socio de la App.
  • Marca temporal de la transacción (UTC): Corresponde a la marca temporal de la transacción procesada conforme a la zona horaria UTC (tiempo universal coordinado) en formato DD/MM/AAAA HH:MM:SS. La marca temporal de la transacción de un pedido puede ser diferente de la fecha u hora de solicitud y entrega, en función de cuándo se registre el viaje para el pago. Los reportes de actividad y los archivos CSV mensuales se generan en función de si la marca temporal de la transacción se encuentra en el mes seleccionado o en el rango de fechas seleccionado, respectivamente.
  • Fecha de solicitud (UTC): Es la fecha de solicitud del viaje, pedido o socio de la App conforme a la zona horaria UTC (tiempo universal coordinado) en formato DD/MM/AAAA.
  • Hora de solicitud (UTC): Es la marca temporal de la solicitud de viaje, pedido o socio de la App conforme a la zona horaria UTC (tiempo universal coordinado) en formato HH:MM:SS.
  • Fecha de solicitud (local): Es la fecha de solicitud del viaje, pedido o socio de la App conforme a la zona horaria UTC (tiempo universal coordinado) en formato DD/MM/AAAA.
  • Hora de solicitud (local): Es la marca temporal de la solicitud de viaje, pedido o socio de la App conforme a la zona horaria local en formato HH:MM:SS.
  • Fecha de entrega (UTC): Es la fecha de finalización del viaje o pedido conforme a la zona horaria UTC (tiempo universal coordinado) en formato DD/MM/AAAA.
  • Hora de entrega (UTC): Es la hora de finalización del viaje o pedido conforme a la zona horaria UTC (tiempo universal coordinado) en formato HH:MM:SS.
  • Fecha de entrega (local): Es la fecha de finalización del viaje o pedido conforme a la zona horaria local en formato DD/MM/AAAA.
  • Hora de entrega (local): Es la hora de finalización del viaje, pedido o socio de la App conforme a la zona horaria local en formato HH:MM:SS.
  • Solicitud de ajuste horario con respecto a la zona horaria UTC: Corresponde al ajuste horario con respecto a la zona horaria UTC (p. ej., para India es UTC +0530).
  • Detalles del personal:
  • los detalles en los campos a continuación dependen del programa al que pertenece el viaje o pedido.
    • Para los programas de viajes o de comidas creados en una cuenta de negocios: detalles del personal.
    • Para los programas de Uber Central: el coordinador detalla quién crea o solicita el viaje Uber Central para los invitados.
    • Para los programas de cupones: el coordinador detalla quién creó la campaña de cupones.
    • Nombre: nombre del miembro del personal asociado con la organización
    • Apellido: apellido del miembro del personal asociado con la organización
    • Correo electrónico: dirección de correo electrónico del miembro del personal asociado con la organización
    • Id. del miembro del personal: id. del miembro del personal que se le proporciona al usuario cuando se agrega a la cuenta de negocios (opcional)
  • Service: The Uber service related to the transaction (e.g.,Eats, UberX, Uber Comfort)
  • City: The city in which the trip/order has been placed, (Mobility: It is the city on which the pickup has happened, Delivery: city on which the order is delivered)
  • Distance (mi): Distance of the trip in miles from Pick-up point to drop-off point
  • Duration (min): Duration incurred for the trip from pickup time to the drop-off (Rides : Pick-up point to Drop-off point, Eats : order pick-up point (store) to drop-off point).
  • Pickup Address: The pick-up address for the respective trip/order.
  • Drop-off Address: The drop-off address for the respective trip/order.
  • Expense Code: The expense code employee/coordinator selects or enters while requesting the trip/order. (If any)
  • Expense Memo: The expense memo (or purpose of the trip/order) employee/coordinator inputs while requesting the trip/order - this is a free text field added by the user. (If any))
  • Invoices: URL of the Invoice, In case of multiple invoices - all URLs are shown separated by a character “|”.
  • Program: The program name under which the respective trip/order is charged under the organization.
  • Group: The group to which the employee is added to the organization’s u4b dashboard.
  • Payment Method: Payment method used to pay for the U4B trips (e.g., Periodic, Pay Per Trip), and for credit/debit card transactions, it is the card type along with the last four digits of the card number.
  • Transaction Type: Kind of transaction
    • Fare: The summary of the trip cost
    • Adjustment: If the trip cost was adjusted after its initial payment
    • Tip: Tip given for the trip/order
  • Fare in Local Currency (excl. Taxes): Fare of the trip/order in local currency
  • Taxes in Local Currency: Taxes applied to the order/trip in local currency
  • Tip (Local Currency): Tip associated to the trip/order (If any) in local currency
  • Transaction Amount in Local Currency (incl. Taxes): Total Transaction amount of the trip (fare, taxes and tip) in local currency in which the trip is taken.
  • Local Currency Code: Local ISO3 Currency code (e.g., GBP, EUR, USD, INR) of the location where a trip or an order is taken
  • Fare in Org Currency (excl. Taxes): Trip/order fare in the organization’s preferred currency (selected at the time of account creation & setup and dashboard is also made on the same).
  • Taxes in Org Currency: Taxes levied on the trip/org in the organization’s preferred currency.
  • Tip (Org Currency): Tip given on the trip/order in the organization’s preferred currency. (Please note that in some cases, tip may be charged along with the fare amount in a single transaction. In such cases, tip will not appear separately in the report. It will be part of the Fare)
  • Transaction Amount in Org Currency (incl. Taxes): Transaction amount means either of the following depending on the transaction type (mentioned above)
    • Amount charged for a transaction against a trip or an order
      • Please note that there can be multiple transactions for a trip. For example, one transaction can be for the base fare (with transaction type Fare), second transaction can be an adjustment over the base fare and third transaction can be for any tip associated with the trip.
    • Aggregate charges such as Service Fee, Administrative Fee, Integration Fee, Voucher Creation fee etc.
    • Payments made by the or credits received, if any
  • Estimated Service and Technology Fee (incl. Taxes, if any) in Org Currency: Service fee estimated for the trip/order (Only if applicable)
  • Short Reference: Unique transaction reference for the trip/order auto generated by Uber system (only if applicable).
  • Voucher Program: Program name of the Voucher Campaign to which the trip/order belongs to.
  • Voucher Expense Memo: The expense memo given by coordinator when creating the Voucher.
  • Voucher Link: Link to the Voucher used
  • Voucher Policy: Policy associated with Voucher campaigns (Auto filled)
  • Estimated Integration Fee: Fee - additional fee charged for third party client orders/trips (only if applicable).
  • Integration Partner: Name of the third party vendor involved, for third party client orders/trips (only if applicable).
  • Invoice Number: The number of the tax invoice generated for a trip/order. If there are multiple invoices generated for an order/trip, the invoice numbers are separated by the “|” character.
  • Voucher Campaign Id: Unique Identifier of the voucher campaign
  • Guest First Name: First name of the user taking a trip or an eats order. It is only applicable for voucher trips/order and arranged rides(Central).
  • Guest Last Name: Last name of the user taking a trip or an eats order. It is only applicable for voucher trips/order and arranged rides(Central).
  • Deductions in Local Currency: Discounts applied on the trip/order in local currency. Please note the transaction amount mentioned above is inclusive of this discount.
  • Payment Account Name: Cost center associated with the trip (enabled by organization) (Only if applicable)
  • Payment Account ID: Unique Identifier associated with the Payment Account Name (Only if applicable)
  • Uber Charges (Local Currency): Uber charges associated with the trip/order’s in local currency, applicable only for Rides.
  • Discounts on Uber Charges (Local Currency): Discounts applied on Uber Fees In local currency, applicable only for Rides.
  • Uber Charges CGST (Local Currency): CGST charges applied on Uber fee (Only applicable for India), applicable only for Rides.
  • Uber Charges SGST (Local Currency): SGST charges applied on Uber fee (Only applicable for India), applicable only for Rides.
  • Uber Charges IGST (Local Currency): IGST charges applied on Uber fee (Only applicable for India), applicable only for Rides.
  • Uber Charges HST/GST (Local Currency): HST/GST charges applied on Uber fee ( Only applicable for Canada), applicable only for Rides.
  • Uber Charges QST (Local Currency): QST charges applied on Uber fee (Only applicable for Canada), applicable only for Rides.
  • Uber Charges PST (Local Currency) : PST charges applied on Uber fee (Only applicable for Canada), applicable only for Rides.
  • Total Taxes on Uber Fees (Local Currency): Total associated taxes on Uber Fee in local currency, applicable only for Rides.
  • Total Uber Charges (Local Currency): Total Uber Charges (Uber Fee + Discounts on Uber Fee + Total taxes on Uber Fee), applicable only for Rides.
  • Partner Charges (Local Currency): Partner charges associated with the trip/order’s in local currency. For Uber rides, partners are generally the transportation service providers. For Eats orders, partners are generally the restaurants providing food, applicable only for Rides.
  • Partner Charges CGST (Local Currency): CGST charges applied on Partner charges in local currency ( only applicable for India), applicable only for Rides.
  • Partner Charges SGST (Local Currency): SGST charges applied on Partner charges ( Only applicable for India), applicable only for Rides.
  • Partner Charges IGST (Local Currency): IGST charges applied on Partner charges (Only applicable for India), applicable only for Rides.
  • Partner Charges HST/GST (Local Currency): HST/GST charges applied on Partner charges(Only applicable for Canada), applicable only for Rides.
  • Partner Charges QST (Local Currency): QST charges applied on Partner charges (Only applicable for Canada), applicable only for Rides.
  • Partner Charges PST (Local Currency): PST charges applied on Partner charges (Only applicable for Canada), applicable only for Rides.
  • Total Taxes on Partner Charges (Local Currency): Total associated taxes on partner charges in local currency., applicable only for Rides.
  • Total Partner Charges (Local Currency): Total Partner Charges for the trip/order (Partner Fee+ Total taxes on Partner Charges) in local currency., applicable only for Rides.
  • Other Charges (Local Currency): Miscellaneous (anything apart from existing fare breakdown) in local currency, applicable only for Rides.
  • Total Charges (Local Currency): Sum of all the charges on the trip/order in local currency.
  • Other Promotions (Local Currency): Any additional discounts or promotions, if applicable.
  • Uber Charges Invoice#: Uber Charges Invoice Number
  • Uber Charges Invoice Link: URL of the trip/order’s Invoice.
  • Partner Charges Invoice: Invoice number of the partner charges
  • Partner Charges Invoice Link: Link to the partner charges Invoice
  • Network Transaction Id: Unique Identifier as assigned by the card networks (AmEx, Visa or Mastercard networks) for this transaction. This is only applicable for credit card transactions

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