Non riesco ad accedere

Se non riesci ad accedere al tuo account Uber, puoi provare a reimpostare la password visitando il link qui sotto:

Tap here if you think your account has been hacked

Enter the email address you believe is associated with your Uber account. We’ll send you an email with a link to reset your password.

Please note this link expires after a few minutes.

If you’re able to sign in with a new password in your app, you can check to see if your account has any missing or expired documents on your Driver Dashboard.

If these steps don’t resolve the issue, please let us know here. We’ll review and help you get back online.

  • Riceverai un messaggio automatico per confermare la tua identità. Aprilo e seleziona "Conferma indirizzo email" per metterti in contatto con un membro del nostro team. Scrivo da