
There may be times when you need to cancel an accepted delivery request. If you are on your way to the restaurant and have not picked up the order yet, you can cancel the trip in the Driver app. You will not be penalized for canceling an order you have not yet picked up. If you have already arrived at the restaurant but have not picked up the order, you can tell the restaurant you are canceling in the Driver app. You can leave the order at the restaurant, as another delivery person may receive the delivery request. If you have already picked up the order and you are on your way to the drop off location but cannot complete the drop off process, you can contact Uber Support: - Open your Driver app - Tap the menu icon - Tap Help - Tap Call Support, then Call
We will contact the customer to let them know there is a change to their delivery. Canceling an order before completing the delivery, may result in a reduced or a complete waiver of the delivery fee. Related Issues: