Uber Black и Uber Premier с почасовой оплатой: часто задаваемые вопросы

Black Hourly / Premier Hourly overview

Black Hourly and Premier Hourly are trip types that allow riders to request a trip for at least 2 hours, rather than to a specific destination. Instead of having to request individual one-way trips, riders can make multiple stops within a trip.

Requesting Black Hourly / Premier Hourly trips

  1. Open your app and select the Hourly icon
  2. Select the amount of time you need
  3. Select either Black Hourly or Premier Hourly, depending on the market
  4. You may choose the selected product for more details, including Hourly rates as well as mileage and time packages
  5. Enter and confirm your initial destination

The insurance that Uber maintains on behalf of US independent drivers operating on the Uber app is limited to commercial auto insurance.


  • Riders can request a trip for a set number of hours and miles, beginning at 2 hours.
  • Riders will be charged a default per-hour rate based upon the estimated duration and distance of their trip rounded up to the nearest hour.
    • Trips exceeding the requested number of hours will be charged an additional per-minute rate.
    • Trips shorter than the requested number of hours will still be charged the minimum fare based on the hours selected when requesting the trip.
  • If a trip exceeds the distance selected, riders will be charged an overage based on a per-mile rate specified in the app.
  • Surge pricing will apply to the first hour of an Hourly trip.
    • If surge is in effect, the rate of the first hour will be higher than the default per-hour rate. Riders will see the rate with surge applied in the app.
  • Riders will be charged a per-minute wait-time fee before the trip starts if the driver has arrived at the pickup spot and has been waiting for more than 5 minutes.