You can cancel a trip at any time through the Uber app, but may be charged a cancellation fee if you cancel after you’re matched with your driver.
Cancellation fees pay drivers for the time and effort they spend getting to your location.
Ride requests should only be made when you’re ready to ride and near the pickup location. This helps ensure smooth pickups for riders and drivers.
You may be charged a cancellation fee if:
You may be charged a cancellation fee if:
You may not be charged a cancellation fee if:
If you believe you were charged a cancellation fee in error, let us know in the “Review my cancellation fee” form. This might happen if your driver canceled instead of ended the trip, or if they cancelled because they were too far away from your pickup location.
앱을 통해 언제든지 여정을 취소할 수 있지만, 기사님과 연결된 후에 취소하는 경우 취소 수수료가 청구될 수 있습니다.
취소 수수료는 픽업 위치로 이동하기 위해 기사님이 할애한 시간과 노력에 대한 대가로 지불하는 비용입니다.
차량 서비스는 픽업 위치 부근에서 탑승할 준비가 된 경우에 요청해야 승객과 기사님 모두 원활하게 픽업을 완료할 수 있습니다.
You may be charged a cancellation fee if:
You may be charged a cancellation fee if:
You may not be charged a cancellation fee if:
If you believe you were charged a cancellation fee in error, let us know in the Review my cancellation fee form. This might happen if your driver canceled instead of ended the trip, or if they canceled because they were too far away from your pickup location.
We periodically experiment with changes to the cancellation policy. As a result, cancellation fees may be waived for a small subset of randomly selected cancellations.
The wait time fee grace period and the commencement of the no-show window start at the time of a driver’s arrival at a pick-up location. A driver’s arrival time is based on technology that uses GPS coordinates, which does not always perfectly correspond to real world coordinates.