Kako prejmem svoj zaslužek?

You can receive your earnings one of two ways:

  1. Set up weekly automatic direct deposits to your bank account.

Direct Deposit Timeline: * Monday: Old earnings cycle ends and new one begins * Wednesday: Earnings are processed in the evening * Thursday: Earnings are deposited directly into your bank account

Note: Some banks take additional time to process deposits. As a result, you may not see your deposit until Friday evening.

  1. Instant cashouts to debit card or bank account
  • Earnings are automatically calculated on a weekly cycle, which normally begin at 4am on Monday and end at 3:59am the following Monday. This means that any trip taken on Monday after 4am will appear in the following week’s earnings statement.
Pri takojšnjih izplačilih se razpoložljivo stanje nakaže na vašo debetno kartico ali bančni račun. Večinoma je takšen prenos takojšen. Prenos lahko traja do 3 delovne dni, točen rok za nakazilo pa je odvisen od vaše banke. Če želite videti, bančni računi katerih finančninh institucij so upravičeni do takojšnjega izplačila, sledite naslednji povezavi:
Če si želite ogledati izpiske zaslužka, obiščite wallet.uber.com. Izpiski vključujejo vaše cene in povračila cestnin.