Potnik je poškodoval moje vozilo

As outlined in our Community Guidelines, if a rider damages property, they’re responsible for the cost of cleaning and repair fees, outside of normal wear and tear. If you want to report an incident involving a rider that resulted in damage to your vehicle beyond normal wear and tear, please let us know here.

In some cases, you may be eligible for an inconvenience fee of up to $250 based on the extent and nature of the damage. We may also be able to assist you with an insurance claim.

To help us determine if you are eligible for assistance, please notify us here with:

  • Photos of the damage and a description of the incident within 3 business days of the trip
  • A professional repair estimate/receipt within 5 business days of contacting support

If you are unable to meet these time requirements or the information provided is insufficient, you may be ineligible for an inconvenience fee.

If a rider made a mess in your vehicle that requires professional cleaning, please use the link below to request a cleaning fee: