
若身心障礙乘客在職業駕駛抵達指定上車地點後的幾分鐘內(目前 UberX 菁英優步或 UberXL 樂聚優步為 2 分鐘,Black 尊榮優步為 5 分鐘)內,如果身心障礙影響他們上車,他們可以要求退款或免除等候費用或 Black SUV 行程)。


You may request a refund if you have a disability (or traveled with a companion with a disability, or requested a ride on behalf a rider with a disability) and, in the last 30 days, you were charged wait time fees when you were at the pickup location when the driver arrived and needed more than the allotted time to board the vehicle due to disability.


If you, or an individual that frequently accompanies you on trips, is (i) disabled within the meaning of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and (ii) the disability impacts your or your companion’s ability to board a vehicle within the allotted time after meeting the vehicle at your designated pickup location, you can request a waiver of wait time fees for your account below by making the following certification. Please allow at least 7 days for the waiver to take effect. If you are charged a wait time fee after you certify, please request a refund at the above link.


By entering my initials below and selecting Submit below, I voluntarily certify and acknowledge that:

本人 (或經常與我同行者) (i) 為美國身心障礙法案 (Americans with Disabilities Act) 所指的身心障礙人士,以及 (ii) 本人或同伴抵達指定的上車地點且車輛到達後,無法在規定時間內上車。本人了解此要求須接受 Uber 的驗證和/或稽核。本人進一步了解,除了豁免我的帳戶等候時間費用外,Uber 不會將我的證明用於其他目的。本人亦了解 Uber 不會就此資訊或本人的證明承擔任何額外責任或義務。


Riders who self-certified for a wait time fee waiver on or before May 12, 2022, may be eligible for a distribution under a recent settlement. Please visit the website linked below for more information.