Delivery person requirements

You need the documents listed below to sign up as a delivery person.

Please note that the availability of the vehicle options for delivery sign-up changes per city.

Car and motorbike

Document requirements

  • Full Australian driver’s licence (front and back) OR Overseas driver’s licence (front and back; accepted in selected cities in Australia and if you’ve signed up to deliver using a car)
  • Secondary ID (if you’ve submitted an Overseas driver’s licence that displays an abbreviated name)
  • Proof of ID (see acceptable IDs below)
  • Criminal background check (uploaded by Uber)
  • VEVO (Visa Entitlement Verification Online)
  • Vehicle Registration
  • Vehicle Insurance (for Adelaide - Eats Car only)
  • Profile Photo
  • ABN

Once all document requirements are submitted, you will receive an email regarding the impairment education.

If you sign up to deliver by motorbike, you are required to order and receive our free safety gear. A unique ordering link will be sent to you once you are eligible to order.

Acceptable proof of identity documents

  • Australian or International Passport
  • Australian Birth Certificate
  • Immigration Card
  • Refugee Documentation
  • Australian Citizenship Certificate


Document requirements

  • Proof of ID (see acceptable IDs below)
  • Criminal background check (uploaded by Uber)
  • VEVO (Visa Entitlement Verification Online)
  • ABN
  • Profile Photo

You are required to take and pass (100%) the bicycle safety test when using a bicycle for delivery. You are also required to order and receive our free safety gear. A unique ordering link will be sent to you once you are eligible to order.

Acceptable proof of identity documents

  • Australian or International passport
  • Immigration card
  • Refugee documentation (Photo card)
  • Australian or New Zealand driver’s licence

Document upload tips

When you upload a document, make sure:

  • the image is clear,
  • all text is legible,
  • all 4 corners of the document are visible,
  • the images are of the original copy, and
  • the information is in one single file (e.g. 1 image or 1 PDF). If your information is across different pages, you should merge them into a single file.

For more tips about uploading documents, check here.

Uploaded documents generally require up to 24 hours for review.

If you have submitted all the required documents and are waiting for activation, tap the link below.

If you’ve been notified that one of your documents is rejected or expired, tap the link below.