Request a cleaning fee for an Uber Taxi trip

If a rider from an Uber Taxi trip makes a mess or causes damage to your vehicle that prevents you from taking further trips, you can request a cleaning fee. This cleaning fee is awarded to help you cover the costs of getting your vehicle back to its original condition, cleaned up, and ready to get back on the road.

In order to submit a cleaning fee claim, you will need to provide these details within three business days of the incident occurring:

  1. Photos of the mess. You need at least three unique, clear photos of the mess. If applicable, you’ll also need to enter a description of the fluid or material that caused the damage or mess. If it’s dark, make sure you turn on the inside light or use the flash on your phone.
  2. A picture of the receipt for a cleaning service. In order to be considered valid, the receipt must contain the following details:
  • It must be an official receipt, preferably stamped, with the date of the cleaning
  • The details of the car wash where the cleaning was done, including name and address

It is important to note that the cleaning fee paid will be judged on all information provided and will depend on the type and size of the mess as well as nationwide averages of professional cleaning services. This means the fee you receive may be more or less than the cost of the professional cleaning indicated on your receipt.

Please note that everyday items like rubbish, sand etc. should be expected as part of service delivery and will not be awarded a cleaning fee.

Need help?

If you’d like to report a different issue encountered with an Uber Taxi trip, you can submit the form below and we’ll look into things for you.