What to do if an item is out of stock?

When you arrive at the store, some items may be out of stock. If this happens, please let the customer know by messaging them and updating the order details in-app.

To remove an item from an order:

  1. Locate the out-of-stock item from the “Order Items” screen
  2. Tap the three dot icon next to the out-of-stock item
  3. Tap “Remove item”. The item will appear to be crossed out once it is successfully removed. (To undo, tap the three dot icon again and tap “Undo removal”.)
  4. Follow the in-app instructions to confirm the updated order total.

Note: If the main item of the order is removed, the entire order will be canceled.

For example If the customer wants a hamburger and a soda, but the hamburger is out of stock, the entire order will be canceled. If this happens, the customer will be notified in-app.

If you need help adjusting the order, please contact us.