View past payments and breakdowns

To see your payment history:

  1. Go to the online Uber Eats Manager at and sign in with your username, password, and four-digit security PIN.
  2. Open the “Payments” tab to see your current weekly earnings and past earnings.

Keep in mind:

  • The Payments tab only captures the weekly payment statements for the weeks where you receive payments. If no payment is made in a particular week, that week’s earnings will not appear on the Payments tab.
  • For a detailed view of your payments, click the download button in the CSV column of the Payment History section. This will download a document that shows all of the order IDs, sales, taxes, adjustments and net payout info for every order of the selected week.

Here’s a summary of what the different columns in your payment history mean:

ORDERS The number of orders you received during the week. Please note that each pay period runs from 4 am Monday to 3:59 am the following Monday.

SALES This is the total net food sales pre-tax that is sold through the Uber Eats app.

TAX Sales tax is charged to the customer on each order, and then the full sales tax amount is always remitted back to the restaurant with each week’s payment.

TOTAL The total amount sold, including sales and tax.

ADJUSTMENTS This includes any adjustments made by the restaurant to orders. Example: +$1.00 for extra bacon

MISC. Miscellaneous payments are typically anything charged by a city ops team. Most often these include activation fees charged for joiningUber Eats as well as Data tablet fees.

UBER SERVICE FEE This is calculated as Sales multiplied by the restaurant commission rate. Sales tax is not included in the Uber Service Fee Calculation.

NET PAYOUT This sum equals the tax and Uber fee of your total sales subtracted from your total sales for the week.

STATUS If you have a status of PAID, you have received a direct deposit of the Net Payout to your bank account. If you have a PENDING status, your payment is pending and will be posted by a certain date.