Autonomous Vehicle Preferences FAQ

How do I set AV preferences?

From the settings portion of your Uber rider app, select the Autonomous vehicles section under Ride Preferences. From there you can opt in to increase your chances of getting matched with an autonomous vehicle on future trips.

How will AV matching work?

At this point, you will not be able to specifically request an autonomous ride. The service is open to the public and accessible via the Uber app. Riders in the Phoenix-area may be matched with a Waymo vehicle if one is available and the route is part of Waymo’s newly expanded operating territory.

Uber customers in Phoenix who are excited about riding in an autonomous vehicle, without a human driver behind the wheel, can increase their chances of being matched with an AV by opting in via the Ride Preferences section of their Uber app under Settings.

The hours of operation to be matched with an autonomous Waymo vehicle are:

  • Weekdays: 5am - 1am
  • Weekends: 9am - 5am