Delivery by merchant’s staff: Change my delivery address

If your location is outside of the store’s delivery area, we can’t deliver to your new address. You can pick up your order from the original address or cancel the order. If you cancel the order, you will be charged the full amount of the order.

To check if you’re in a store’s delivery area:

  1. Change your address to the new address.
  2. Click on the magnifying glass icon in your app, and search for the store.
  3. If the store shows up in the search, you are within the delivery area of the store.

If your new address is still within the delivery area of the store, there’s a chance we may be able to change your address. However, we can’t guarantee it since the store uses their own delivery staff. If you would like to see if we can change the address, please write in below.

In either case, please note that your delivery person has the option to decide to deliver the order to the new address or to cancel the order. If they don’t deliver the order to the new address, the order will be canceled and you will be charged the full amount of the order.