[Chat Support] Using PayPay Mini App

Changing the delivery address

If you have questions or want to make a change to a current order, you can contact the Uber Eats support for assistance. Please note that in some cases, your order may need to be cancelled.

Contact the delivery person

You can’t make or receive a contact with delivery partners on Uber Eats Web and PayPay Mini-App. If you have questions or want to make a change to a current order, you can contact the Uber Eats support for assistance. Please note that in some cases, your order may need to be cancelled.


Please contact the Uber Eats support for assistance. If you wish to cancel the Pay Pay payment before restaurant acceptancec, please note that you will have to wait 10 minutes after the order request for the order to be canceled.

Payment methods that could be changed:

Credit card to credit card / debit card Credit card to Uber credit LINE Pay, Paypay, Apple Pay to credit card


Credit cards to LINEPay, Paypay, Apple Pay are not allowed. When ordering from “Paypay Mini App”, it is not possible to change the payment method. It is not possible to switch the payment method for orders placed after 30 days. You can add a new payment method by following these steps: Tap the profile icon in the bottom right corner Tap ‘Wallet’ Tap ‘Add Payment Method’ Tap Credit or Debit Card Fill in your credit card information or tap the “scan your card” option If you receive an error message when adding the payment method, we are likely unable to accept that method and you can try adding a different one.