Suspended account

  • This is a help page for Drivers. If you are a Delivery partner, please contact us from here.

Recommended value setting for Uber operation

In order to deliver a highly satisfying riding experience to our customers, we have set the following recommended values.
For drivers who do not meet the following figures, a warning may be displayed in the driver app. Please see below as indicators of quality service.

<Average rating of 4.8 or higher>
After the ride, drivers and passengers rate each other on a 5-point scale and provide feedback on the ride.
* Reasons for account suspension: In order to guarantee high quality service, each city has a minimum average rating of drivers.

<Cancellation rate 5% or less>
Cancellation after accepting a ride request not only reduces passenger satisfaction, but also has a negative impact on other drivers who miss the opportunity to accept the ride request.
* Reasons for account suspension: Each city has a maximum cancellation rate. Exceeding our cancellation rate may result in suspension of your Uber account.

<85% or more response rate>
A high response rate plays an important role in providing quality service.
*By ensuring drivers respond to ride requests, you can maximize sales and keep the Uber system running smoothly. If the response rate is not stable, we may take steps to force logouts for a period of time.

If you are a driver who has received a warning email not limited to the above content and your Uber account has been suspended and has questions, or if you have questions about the recommended ratings above, please contact us using the below form.